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Selfie is a podcast exploring mind, body, and relational aspects of modern self-care.
rage against the minivan
A heartfelt, subversively funny memoir and a bold personal manifesto that pushes back against the superficial expectations of motherhood -- and challenges the idea that there's a "right" way to raise kids.
With hard-won knowledge gained from having four kids in four years, Kristen Howerton navigates the emotional and sometimes messy waters of motherhood, sharing valuable lessons from her journey through infertility, adoption, pregnancy, toddler tantrums, divorce, and the shock and awe of parenting teens. Howerton recounts how she learned to opt out from the pressure to do it all perfectly. As a mom of both white and black children and a licensed therapist, Howerton talks frankly about the thorny issues parents face today, whether it's finding good mom friends, confronting racism, disciplining other people's kids, or falling short of that elusive work/life balance. Howerton's experience--the expectations, the stress, the total lack of control, and yes, the indignities of driving a minivan (which now sits in her driveway littered with crushed Cheetos and the remnants of her self-esteem)--along with her ability to laugh at herself, reminds parents they are not alone on this unpredictable ride.

“Kristen is one of the clearest, wisest, smartest voices in our culture. She tackles the complicated aspects of motherhood and distills them down to what is absolutely true, right, and good. Plus, she is funny and endearing, so she will forever be one of my favorite writers.”
Jen Hatmaker
New York Times bestselling author of For the Love and Of Mess and Moxie

"Filled with humor, vulnerability, and heart, Kristen writes unflinchingly about what it means to be raising children in today’s world, and how to liberate ourselves from the myth of perfect motherhood."
Glennon Doyle
New York Times bestselling author of Untamed, Founder of Together Rising

“Kristen is refreshingly candid, sharply funny, and deeply self-evaluative in her storytelling about everything from infertility to adoption to introversion to racism to faith to dismantling the patriarchy. Kristen's authenticity will inspire you to stop obsessing over the perfection-oriented optics of parenting so you can opt out of the "shoulds" and opt in to the stuff that truly matters to you."

KRISTEN HOWERTON is a licensed marriage and family therapist and the mother of four children within four years via birth and adoption. She is the founder of the blog Rage Against the Minivan where, in the midst of writing about the raw emotions and experience of motherhood, she has become a fierce advocate for social justice. Kristen has created several popular humor destinations online, including the popular "Pinterest You Are Drunk" and the #assholeparent meme and Instagram account. Kristen is the co-host of Selfie, a podcast dedicated to exploring the mind, body, and spirit aspects of self-care.

KRISTEN HOWERTON is a licensed marriage and family therapist and the mother of four children within four years via birth and adoption. She is the founder of the blog Rage Against the Minivan where, in the midst of writing about the raw emotions and experience of motherhood, she has become a fierce advocate for social justice. Kristen has created several popular humor destinations online, including the popular "Pinterest You Are Drunk" and the #assholeparent meme and Instagram account. Kristen is the co-host of Selfie, a podcast dedicated to exploring the mind, body, and spirit aspects of self-care.
Kristen Howerton's writing spans various pressing societal topics. In her New York Times piece "I Hate the Mom That Covid Has Made Me," she candidly explores the pandemic's impact on her relationship with her teens, navigating the complexities of parental comfort levels amidst COVID risks. Her piece "The Five Friends You Really Need" in Relevant Magazine delves into the essence of authentic friendships, emphasizing vulnerability, growth, and mutual learning over shared interests. Quiet Revolution hosts her introspective work "The Benefits of Being an Introverted Parent," challenging the perception of introversion as a parenting flaw and highlighting its potential strengths. Kristen also addresses critical issues in articles such as "How to Protect Kids from Pornography" (Orange County Register), advocating for online safety, "How Churches Should Address Sexual Abuse" (The Washington Post), championing transparency and legal accountability within religious institutions, and "The Only Mommy War Worth Waging" on Huffington Post, calling for solidarity among mothers to tackle larger societal challenges. In her thought-provoking piece "White Privilege Doesn't Mean Your Life Isn't Hard" for Huffington Post, she dissects the misconceptions surrounding white privilege, shedding light on its nuances and implications within society. Kristen Howerton's diverse body of work engages deeply with contemporary issues, offering insightful perspectives and urging for societal growth and empathy.

Kristen is available to speak at events and conferences as a presenter, panelist, and keynote speaker. Some of her previous speaking engagements have included TEDx, Storyline, Mom 2.0 Summit, Idea Camp, Together for Adoption, ALT Summit, BlogHer, The Creative Alliance, Killer Tribes, Christian Alliance for Orphans, and Type A Mom. Kristen has also spoken at numerous women's retreats, parenting events, and fundraisers.
If you would like to move forward with booking her for your event, please email Kristen at ​

selfie podcast
Let’s talk self-care. Kristen Howerton, writer and psychotherapist, is joined by her longtime pal Roo Powell, self-professed workaholic and self-care luddite, as they tackle the tricky and often elusive aspects of caring for ourselves. Their weekly conversations explore questions like: Can self-care be for everyone? How do I get enough sleep? What aspects of my personality make self-care tricky? And what’s in this face mask? From the silly to the serious, Kristen and Roo are taking a vulnerable and often humorous look at body, mind and spirit . . . all while looking at the distractions and defenses that keep us from caring for ourselves like we should.
Literary Agent: Margaret Riley-King, William Morris Endeavor |
Publicist: Penelope Belnap, Penguin Random House |
rageagainsttheminivan (a)